I am Anosh Intikhab

Welcome to the community of promoting a holistic way of living to achieve a healthier Mind, Body and Soul!  quick introduction about myself, I am Anosh Intikhab. I am a strong believer of the old and famous Dutch saying “Prevention is better than Cure”. As it still holds true as of today. For those of you who think they do not have time for health today, will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Sounds scary right? But the good news is it can be prevented by some simple yet evidence based practices. The core thesis of which is Mindfulness + Moderation. One can enjoy everything in moderation. You can reach out to me to achieve your health and fitness goals. I would be happy to work with you!

Dietitian, Fitness Trainer, Public Health Researcher

Nutrition Jorney

So initially I studied Science as a major and did my graduation in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at university have chosen this particular subject. I parpicularly enjoyed Soprts Nutrition and Functions foods during the course of my degree. No wonder it even gotten me a job at a gym facility!


Did my Postgraduation in Healthcare Managemnet. During that time I developed a keen interset to explore the topics of food insecurity, plat based meat alternatives, and food waste minimization. I was able to pitch my ideas to the NUMS Nutrition departmnet and work with them to get publishable papers. Lastly, my MS research thesis is based on SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production” and deals with green consumption behaviour of young adults at universities. 

Certified Fitness Trainer

Becoming a Certified Fitness Trainer was another challange that I undertook. This really helped me understand all the Nutrition principles I studied during my BS degree. It not only made me a CFT level two trainer but also emmensly helped me in my own health journey. After that I have strated a Daily Movemnet Challange for the month of Feburary. That allows all my followers to stay active by having a accountability buddy. 

Mission for this health and wellness community

The main mission for this community is to make health, nutrition and fitness knowledge available to masses! 

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